I successfully submitted a domain transfer to AVATAVA, but shortly after I got an email stating:
"The current registrar for the domain mydomain rejected the transfer request you submitted. Pursuant to established Registry procedures, the transfer is declined.
Please contact the current registrar listed above for a further explanation of the rejection.
Thank you for your attention."
My Transfer Request was rejected by the current registrar, how do I proceed?
The answer to this domain transfer rejection depends on the Current Registrar's policies regarding domain transfers. Some registrars do not allow a change in registrant information along with registrar transfer, others are fine with this. Unfortunately as the requesting registrar we cannot answer the question of the policies of other companies and must refer you to their support desk for an exact answer. Depending on their policies, we may need to amend the transfer request prior to resubmitting it to the Current Registrar for transfer again. We have a list with links to a few popular registrars' policies here. Once you have contacted the current registrar for an answer, please contact AVATAVA so we can make the changes needed prior to resubmitting the transfer request.